
Stories and pictures about our travels, our photography and the outdoors.


The seasons, they be a changing'

We first noticed the yellowing of the aspen and poplar trees on higher elevation passes on August 27th.  The days, while still warm, are becoming shorter with cooler nights.  Making it hard for some of us to arise before sunrise in the morning (we won’t mention any names but her name starts with a “K”).  “I’ll bet sunrise will be boring this morning anyway, we can try tomorrow”, she says hopefully as she pulls the covers higher. 

Leafin' the beach

The weather has really tried to keep us from getting any good sunrise/sunset photos – many days of rain or just gray skies, and rarely much color or light billowy clouds to set off the sky.  But we (mostly) had a good time trying to capture a tiny bit of what we could see anyway.  Although we realized with some frustration, that these majestic mountains are really too grand to put on film.  Which is really a good thing – it will mean we have to come back to look at them again in person.


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