
Stories and pictures about our travels, our photography and the outdoors.


An American week

Start with a day at Kitty Hawk, where the Wright Brothers proved man could fly. Move on to the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day. Stand beside the Space Shuttle Discovery and examine her battle scars from space. Travel to the US Military Academy at West Point and watch 1,000 young men and women receive their college degrees from the Commander in Chief, then immediately take a vow to protect our country as officers in a time of war. Take the train down the Hudson River to New York City. Stand in the museum and see the twisted steel from the twin towers. Look up at the new Freedom tower, 1,776 feet above the twin pits of the 9/11 Memorial. Float over to Ellis Island where tens of thousands came to our shores for the first time. And stand beside Lady Liberty, who challenges us, and the rest of the world, to live up to our promise and birthright of freedom. That is an American week.

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