
Stories and pictures about our travels, our photography and the outdoors.



Our trip was full of variety - from quiet bird watching hikes in isolated forests, to raucous partygoers in Times Square and everything in-between.  We even heard the President speak in person.  We saw 211 different bird species, took 4,000+ photos, traveled 10,760 miles while visiting: cities, statues, forts, archaeological sites, state parks, national parks, cemeteries, national wildlife refuges, lighthouses, national forests, and the emotionally powerful new 911 Museum in NY.

The weather was blessedly cooperative; the “Hat Creek bubble” (renowned in local fire folklore - see 7/28/13 post below) protecting us from four severe thunderstorms.  Our truck electrical issue, which plagued us for several thousand miles, was relatively minor and we have now accepted the fact that vehicle repairs are a requisite on such long trips.

But our fondest memories are ones of family and friends…visiting relatives in Houston, attending graduation with family at West Point, and playing tourist in DC and New York with our kids.  Thanks to all of you for keeping track of us, giving sightseeing suggestions, and checking on us to make sure we had not strayed too far off of our non-defined course.

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