Everybody out of the water!!!!
Remember when you went to the public pool when you were a kid? Didn't you hate it when the lifeguard made everyone get out of the pool? In Port Orford, Oregon, all the fishing boats have to get out of the ocean. There really isn't a port, just a big wharf where the boats can be lifted out of the water and put on wheeled dollies. This makes for some interesting views of fishing boats. It just isn't that often you see an ocean-going fishing boat completely out of the water. These fishermen have to pull their boats whenever they are not fishing. I guess the good news is that maintenance has to be easier. On the day we were here, a winter storm was predicted to be coming ashore, so it looked like everybody was out of the water. Lots of interesting details to look at while we ate our lunch on the seawall, which appeared to be a whole lot nicer place than the port office.
(Click on the thumbnails for a larger version)