Maybe you have noticed that Instagram and Facebook have hard parameters for aspect ratios for photos. In case you didn’t know, aspect ratio is the length of one side of an image to the other side. These big media sharing sites really like the aspect ratio of a cell phone screen, especially a cell phone held upright in the portrait mode, not the landscape mode.
Maybe you don’t care. We think you will care after you see the full version of these panoramas. You can click on these and they should expand to a larger size. Hopefully you will see these on a big screen (27” high res monitors work well) but even a pad will do, just don’t expect much out of that phone.
Maybe you still won’t care about panos after you look at the larger version of these panoramas. That’s ok, you don’t have to like what we like. But sometimes a good visual story just demands a good pano.
Sometimes it’s about a great sky…
Or putting something in a size context…
Or showing off the grand sweep of the landscape…
Or maybe showing off the grand detail at our feet…
Or showing the grand detail of a famous location…
Whether it’s a monochrome panorama…
Or a colorful panorama…
Sometimes you just need a panorama - uncropped, unadultared, unconstrained because that is the story. A story you can’t get on Instagram/Facebook.