Sacramento Valley Spring
The Sacramento Valley of California is one of those places that lies (mostly) between destinations. Trying to get to Oregon from the Bay Area? Make a speed run up Interstate 5. Need to get to an international airport from anywhere in California north of Sacramento? Time for another speed run down I5. Headed to Disneyland from Seattle? Yep down the Sacramento Valley on I5. It seems as if everyone has somewhere else to be.
But what if you take a little time off the freeway?
At first you may still be in a gray mood.
But the flowers and sky can brighten the day.
A wall of almond flowers fills the air with a sweet scent.
The sound of millions of honeybees hard at work fills the quiet.
Odd birds lurk in the ditch lines.
All of this might leave you a bit frazzled.
But as you merge back onto the industrial artery of I5 even the agroindustrial scenes blend into the darkening sky and the trip is a little brighter.
Someday we need to shoot the Sac Valley in the fog. But for now we have somewhere else to be.