Land of Fire
Moments from struggles with Prometheus

Mt. Hood National Forest, Oregon

Waiting out the storm
San Bernardino Tanker Base, California

Restoring the forest
Modoc National Forest, California

Headed in
Lassen National Forest, California

Fire at the ridge
Shasta-Trinity National Forest, California
Zaca Sunset
Los Padres National Forest, California

Tanker 910 drops at Big Sur
Los Padres National Forest, California

Flag and smoke
McArthur, California

Fire Whirl begins to form
Lassen National Forest, California

Backfiring the Zaca
Los Padres National Forest, California

Into the canyon
Lassen National Forest, California.

Follow Me to Cutoff
Deschutes National Forest, Oregon

Night Fire
Lassen National Forest, California

Fire under the stars.
Lassen Volcanic National Park, California

Night in Serengeti camp
Serengeti National Park, Tanzania